Friday, February 26, 2010

Promethean Resource

Need an organized site with Promethean tutorials? Well, I've found a really great blog that has created several "How To" pdfs on ActivInspire, ActivStudio and ActivPrimary. Fredrick County Public Schools Technology Resource Teacher Blog is perfect for those just getting their feet wet with Promethean Boards. A lot of time and effort was put into this portion of their blog. There are over 40 tutorials for ActivInspire!

The blog not only has Promethean tips and tricks, but it also provides tutorials for Google Earth, Photo Story 3 and Audacity! This is perfect for educators who want to begin exploring various instructional technology tools.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Use Google To Search For Flipcharts

Click on the image below to use Google to help search for Flipcharts for ActivStudio or ActivInspire.
Thanks to for the heads up on this resource.


Jing is a FREE program that allows you to capture anything on your computer screen and share it, as a video or an image, with anyone! There is an long list of uses for this program in the world of education.

Currently, I train educators how to use Promethean Interactive Whiteboards in the classroom. Because I'm on various campuses throughout the day, it can be difficult to get to teachers and "show" them how to do something. Jing allows me to shoot a quick tutorial, get the link and email it to them. Take a look at one I've made!

And for those of you who use Twitter in the classroom, Jing allows you to post directly to your Twitter account!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Create Your Own Avatar

Create and edit personalized avatar characters compatible with Mii™ characters found on the Nintendo® Wii

Free Voice Recording Service is a FREE voice recording service. The great thing about this service is that you do not need an account to begin recording. Vocaroo allows you to create your own personal voice recording. It then create an HTML code, as well as a link, to embed into your blog or website. This makes Podcasting even easier! Click the Green Arrow below to hear a sample.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Area and Perimter with Google Maps

I found an interesting way to work on perimeter and area with students. I say interesting because it can be difficult to keep students on task when you ask them to find the perimeter and area of this "figure". Doesn't that look fun!

I like to give my students something real and interactive. All you need is Google Maps and a Google account.

1. Go to and log in.
2. Select the my maps tab on the left and Browse the directory to find these mapplets - Distance Measurement Tool and the Area and Distance Calculator.
3. Now you can go anywhere in the world and measure the length and width of an unlimited number of "figures"!
4. This works GREAT with an interactive whiteboard because you can annotate over the map!